Order metalworking services according to your needs

Base: companies and their technologies.

Specify what you want to order and the system will tell you who will do it

If you are still wondering

Direct access to contractors

Advantages of free-moce.pl: database of companies and their technologies, simple selection of technologies, materials, dimensions and quality systems, automatic suggestion of matching contractors, the possibility of comparing many matching contractors and automatic placing of orders according to search criteria.

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Additional advantages

All your orders in one place

Wolne-moce.pl is primarily: history of your inquiries, orders and orders, history of correspondence and offers, the possibility of inquiries from many contractors, restarting previous orders and verification of contractors.

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Undisputed value

Direct access to contractors

Database of companies and their technologies.

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A clear presentation of the metalworking manufacturing market. Anytime, anywhere easy access to contractors, principals, your services, contacts and correspondence, as well as the history of your orders, or orders.


You will receive information about new orders and inquiries always in accordance with your technological capabilities.


We promote our service by promoting your services. We grow together by supporting each other. We are in the metal market of the whole world.


Orderers from all over the world can see and get to know you, your company and your services

Why you should be on the
spare-capacities portal ?

You will gain access to the latest and most reliable information on the manufacturing market in Poland, Europe and the world. You can also show the world yourself, your special achievements and capabilities. Make yourself known and participate in the global market.

Specific orders for your machines. No time wasted on enquiries that do not concern your technology. Do what you do best, and thanks to spare-capacities, customers from Poland and abroad will recognise your services.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ullamcorper varius arcu, at finibus augue varius et...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla ullamcorper varius arcu, at finibus augue varius et...

Start now

registration:         industriaXL.com/spare-capacities

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